From the dates of February 4th to February 8th, I did something I have never done before. I went five days with out the usage of my cellular device. That is equal to one hundred and twenty hours without communication to the outer world. The first few hours without having my phone were full of anxiety. I usually always hold my phone in my hand at all times. I consider it my security blanket. When I parted from my phone, it was like my right hand had been cut off! I am always using my phone, whether I use it for texting my best friends, calling my mom to pick me up, or just checking for the time. I had to keep my phone hidden at home so I did not cheat and just take a peek at the missed calls and texts I had received. As the week evolved, it got slightly easier to cope without my phone. I still had a tiny bit of anxiety in the back of my brain, but it got smaller and smaller as the hours passed.
By the 8th, I was relieved and overjoyed when I got my hands on that tiny piece of technology. I had always known that I was pretty attached to my phone, but I never thought I would ever have this much separation anxiety ever! In the end, I learned that items we use everyday loose their usual value. Once one of those items are gone, we realize how valuable they are. Just like the song, Big Yellow Taxi, by the Counting Crows says, "You don't know what you got till it's gone." I have learned to also take joy in the little things in life and not take everything for granted because I definately have more than some other people around the world. Many poor people cannot afford something like a cell phone service plan.
I really have no clue how you did this. It would be way too hard for me to give up my best source of communication. I think that it would be especially hard one people around here that live away from home. I found it even being hard not talking to my mom for this whole past week while she was in Aruba!
-Morgan Rouse
I can't believe how did you do this lab as a commuter, great work. Actually, I do have a cell phone, but I don't have a number here in the US, because I'm an international student. I never used a cell phone here, so I think this lab should be easier for me, ha!
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